Friday, September 08, 2006

...I have prayed for you - Countdown Day 1

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail and when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers”. Luke 22:31

This passage strikes me for many reasons. First it shows once again that Satan is real and always on the prowl for those God loves. The phrase “to sift you like wheat” means to toss up and down, or to shake with violence. Sometimes I think we choose to forget this reality as it’s uncomfortable and even disturbing in our civilized times. For Jesus to tell Simon to his face that Satan is out to get him must have been dreadful for Simon to hear, yet Jesus thought it was worth bringing to his attention. Jesus obviously thought Simon should be aware of his enemy and be alert to his intentions. I think oftentimes we, as believers, can become drowsy and choose to forget that Satan’s ultimate goal is to destroy our faith and make us turn back. I love that right after those formidable words, Jesus gives us a well desired “But…” Whew! Am I relieved to see that word after hearing such news! If Jesus says, “But…”, then there’s good news coming so listen close!

He goes on to say, “But I have prayed for you..”. I have a mentor friend, a great prayer warrior, and when I’m going through something difficult I ask her to pray for me. It is always very comforting for me to know she is interceding for me. To know that Jesus himself prays for us to be strengthened in our faith rocks me. It’s amazing. It also impresses me that if Jesus prays then so much more should we. He knows we will face various trials, he knows our faith is about to be tested. He knows we will fail on certain challenges. Yet, he tells Simon, “when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers”. We are not to face these trials alone nor are we to leave each other alone to face trials. We are to strengthen one another. When our brother fails, we are to turn around, pick him up and carry on. This is the church. This is our duty and privilege to love one another in truth and compassion.

There will be days ahead in our personal lives and in the life of our church when we will become aware of Satan’s desire to sift us like wheat. Let us prepare ourselves before we see the need to fight; we know that by prayer we place ourselves under God’s holy protection. The enemy is real, yes, but so is the victory which Christ obtained. The victory is ours, Fellowship of Memorial, so “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power”. (Eph. 6:10)
Pray that God would bring people on Sunday who we can lead to faith in him.
Posted by Lisa Archinal

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Just Some Guy - Countdown Day 2

Chapter 9 of Acts describes an incredible conversion event for Saul. Saul is a leader among those who are persecuting early Christ-followers, but God plucks him out from the rest and confronts him in what proves to be a literally blinding light that leaves Saul without eyesight. Saul's life and identity are changed, as he is ultimately sent out to tell the non-Jewish world of Jesus Christ. He trades in his Jewish name for a Gentile name, Paul, reflecting his new purpose and person. But before Saul can become Paul, someone must introduce him to the Gospel. To the true story of God incarnate in Christ. To Christ's teachings. To Christ's love. Saul, at this point, is both literally and metaphorically a blind man.

So God appears to "just some guy" named Ananias in a dream. He tells Ananias that he is to go seek out Saul to "place his hands on him to restore his sight." God informs Ananias that Saul is his "chosen instrument" to carry His name out into the world. Ananias obeys God's call and goes, albeit reluctantly, to meet the one who has persecuted people just like him throughout the known world. And this historic event changes the face of Western civilization. Saul becomes Paul. Paul treks through the beginnings of the Roman Empire sharing all he's learned.

And nothing is ever said about Ananias again. His story ends here. Paul's name adorns churches throughout the world. The church celebrates him. But I still haven't seen a special on the History Channel about Ananias. He was, after all, "just some guy." But what a privilege to be that guy. What a privilege to share God's love with someone and then to watch God multiply it like fishes and loaves across civilizations and through generations.

On Sunday we kick off KidzPlanet, KidzStreet, the Treehouse and Elevation. We will attempt to share God's love through Jesus Christ. We're just us...nothing more. And I believe God loves it that way. What if God uses us to reach someone? What if He changes a life through us? What if that person's worldview changes because of the understanding that he/she is loved by God? What if that makes life better for his/her children and spouse? What if that person, in turn, shares God's love with another? That's exciting stuff! That's the unlimited potential of God through His people! I'm fired up!
Pray that KidzPlanet would be used by God to serve our community and introduce people to Him.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"It's the day of the show ya'll" - Countdown Day 3

One of my favorite shows on the planet is Waiting for Guffman. If you haven't seen it here is a thumbnail sketch: The city of Blaine, Missouri is celebrating its sesquicentennial, and what better reason could there be to put on a show? Corky St. Claire (Christopher Guest ), current leader of Blaine's community theater group has been commissioned to put together a musical about the city's noble history, "Red, White and Blaine," which stars a variety of the town's theatrical talent. Somehow, Corky has persuaded a major theatrical producer in New York to send a representative to look at the show -- is it possible that "Red, White and Blaine" could be headed to Broadway? "Guffman" is the name of the special guest and the front row seat has been "Reserved" just for him. In fact, while the production is put on for the entire city of Blaine the actors seem to be more focused on the audience of one...Guffman.

This Sunday..."It's the day of the show y'all"...we will have seats filled (God-willing), actors in place, worship leaders ready, and a great teaching of the word both in the worship service and in our children's areas. But just who is our audience? Revelation 4:11 "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."

This Sunday, and every Sunday, we will have an "empty seat" on the front row waiting for the arrival of our special guest. Our goal is to make sure God is worshiped at FOM...whether through KidzPlanet, worship, The Treehouse, KidzStreet or through any of our youth programs. We have much more to celebrate than a sesquicentennial! And while our group of worshipers may be filled with a rag-tag team of people that resemble the actors from Waiting for Guffman I assure you God will be worshiped. He IS worthy! So pray today that God will show up this Sunday! We have a seat reserved just for Him.

Pray today for FOM staff and leadership that they would be continuously surrendered to God's purposes for the ministry.

Posted by Chris Archinal

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sink the Cruise Ship - Countdown Day 4

"If FOM becomes a cruise ship rather than a life boat, let's all conspire to sink her."

My greatest fear for Fellowship of Memorial is that we begin to exist for our own comfort and pleasure, like narcissistic passengers on a luxury liner. God forbid that we spend our days grazing on a vast buffet of delectable food while refugees on precarious rafts float starving at the base of our steep cruise ship hull. If FOM becomes a luxury liner, we'll conspire to sink her and hope some of those refugees can float to safety on the debris.

This weekend was an indication that we're in the lifeboat business. Several FOMers organized a Burger and Melon bash at Nottingham Park and gave away about 100 hamburgers. There were no big FOM signs at this event. Just free food, lots of conversation and invitations to take the next step in community with one another.
Many of the people we met there have physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Some are feeling isolated and persecuted, having moved last year from New Orleans and getting much of the blame for a new wave of crime in the community. There were lots of kids whose parents are mostly absent, just looking for an adult to encourage them and demonstrate a genuine interest in their lives. Some of the adults are desperate for help, without jobs and without hope. Other adults seem to have their physical needs fully met, but their lives are lonely and empty.

We don't have the answers to all their problems, but we genuinely believe that God wants to bring them hope through Jesus. We'll be available to love people in our community, try to meet their needs and walk with them through their challenges. That's who we are at FOM. We have lifeboats.
Pray for individuals in our church, that we would grow in our love for people outside of faith in God

Friday, September 01, 2006

While You Were Sleeping - Countdown Day 6

I like that movie, While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock. As Lucy, a lonely subway worker, she becomes smitten with a handsome stranger (Peter Gallagher). But when she saves his life after he's been mugged and fallen into a coma, his hilariously offbeat family mistakes her for his fiancé. Soon, the mix-ups escalate as Lucy fabricates a life between herself and a man she's never met.

As we are in the wonderful busy stage of preparing for our “new season” of ministry and in our own personal lives gearing up for school, fall activities, etc. I’m reminded of this movie and how it relates to one of my all time favorite passages of scripture:

Revelation 4: 8-11

Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

Worship, glory and honor is going on right now as we are working, planning, eating, praying, walking, sleeping, driving, and on and on it goes. Worship happens 24/7 because God is worthy 24/7. I pray that in the busyness of life we would not miss the worship. We would not miss the glory or the honor. I pray we would not miss the opportunity to cast all our “crowns” at the throne of the King. It’s all for him. Let’s be awake and aware of whose we are and stay true to our purpose – to see lives transformed through relationship with Jesus Christ so that God may be glorified and enjoyed.
Pray that God would help us to be generous with our financial resources as a church and as individuals. (Pick a specific meal time this weekend to pray for FOM)
Posted by Lisa Archinal