Sunday, August 13, 2006

Avoiding Growth-Free Plantings - Countdown Day 20

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow - 1 Corinthians 3:7

Last Spring, my three boys took the flower seeds they got as the KidzPlanet monthly virtue tool and each planted them in separate paper cups. They then began to water them regularly and watch for signs of germination. We unwisely planted them in a shallow depth of horrible Texas clay and left them to simmer in the 93 degree heat. Nevertheless, two of the flower cups germinated and eventually grew stems. One of the cups never grew anything but a few weeds. I've wondered about that since then. All three sets of flower seeds were planted in the same conditions and treated equally. One of them never grew. The growing didn't depend so much on the planting and watering.

Today we begin a 20-Day Prayer Countdown to the kick-off of KidzPlanet and Sunday worship at Fellowship of Memorial. While there is plenty of gritty labor to be done before the September 10 kick-off, we want to put more energy and focus on prayer. Why? We believe that enormous effort can be applied to planting and watering this ministry and it might be in vain. It might not create any real growth. God must provide the growth. And for us, that growth means lives that are transformed for his glory. Since we are focused on spiritual transformation, we are deeply aware that God's Spirit must bear the fruit. We will be calling on him in various ways throughout the next month to grow fruit in the community through the FOM.

Join us as we begin this journey. Take a few minutes each day to read the blogs and pray over each daily request. We'll plant and water this ministry together while we ask God to create the growth.
Pray today that God would bring people to FOM environments who are seeking a relationship with him

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