Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Cry Freedom Cry

The future is no place to place your better days


I really struggle with the whole growth, process journey idea thing. I love the idea of a preferred future, except for well, the future part. Simply put, I want it now. It's not that I am against transformation, I'm all for it. I love the idea of God becoming this intricate part of our lives, shaping us into people who can have capacity for good, and be a vessel for change. Having an idea of what that preferred future may hold, I get frustrated because I want to be in it right now.

I know God prepares us for tomorrow, He patiently leads us to that future, my problem is, that future, that end goal, that chapel, that mission, is where I put everything. Somehow in my mind, I think, Ok when I'm there, when I'm working in that calling, in that mission, that's when I will be the most connected to God and His love can flow through me, and I'll be a better person, and everything will be great. Those will be my better days.

Wrestling through these frustrations I have come to this place, where that preferred future, that mission will not be where I put my better days. I don't want to wait until the wall is finished to worship God. I don't want to wait until the last steeple is in place to give my all to Him and to others.

My prayer is that now, in these days, in these everyday moments I would worship Him and that in some awesome way I can love and serve those around me on this journey.

1 comment:

Brett Moyer said...

Any blog that includes a DMB tribute is a good one. :)