This past weekend I went to the Texas hill country for Independence Day, and then to Lufkin, Texas, and then Houston. During the going to and fro, I saw a lot of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd's. and that had me thinking about MLK, his dream and a very common phrase I seem to hear a lot. Whether it's a Facebook status, a bumper sticker, or some form of communication, I have been told by several people that they're "Living the Dream."
I've been even told by other people that because of my (at the time) nice apartment, gaming console, flat screen TV, and being single, I was in fact, "Living the Dream."
To be honest, I've been wrestling with this thought that living a life of self-indulgence is a dream? Not just a dream, but the dream.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for having a good time. A little R&R is pretty good for one's soul. But when I think about MLK's dream, a dream that he gave his life to, and quite frankly, a dream that 50 inches of HD Halo until your eyes melt can't compare.
I guess my question is not what is "Living the Dream", but what is the dream worth living, or rather what is the dream worth giving life for?
I think dreams like these are hard to find. I think the reason they are hard to find is because they are found in the place where intimacy and surrender with God is found. We can call it our calling, or purpose driven whatever, or even our preferred future. Many times we call it our dreams, today I'd like to maybe refer to it as our journey.
This journey, this life with God. Breathtaking and immense are these moments in which we interact and live life with the living God. TE Lawrence once said, “All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”
They act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. They act out their journey with open eyes to make it possible. Wow. Incredible. To live life interacting with God, walking out our dreams in the path that He has set for us. Simply amazing.
Millions are spent finding a life of purpose, a life with a dream worth giving life to. Millions are spent trying to find this thing that can only be found in one place. Intimacy with the Father.
To be honest, thinking about the dream God has for me brings more questions and frustrations then answers, but what I do know is that compared to the life I have lived before, I think now I can say, "Yeah, I'm living the dream."
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