Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Space Between

The space between what's wrong and right Is where you'll find me hiding waiting for you.

- Dave Matthews Band, The Space Between

We've just finished a new conversation at the FOM this week on Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll. I'm looking forward to the conversations that this will hopefully start, and to where these conversations will lead us in our journey together as a community. Many times I seem to find myself entering into a very self-centered conversation on how I live my life, or how a life should be lived, and in this I find myself afraid. I'm afraid of the freedom that conversations like this may bring, and yet, I'm not sure if "freeing" myself is the ultimate end of this conversation, but maybe creating space for others.

For years sex, drugs, and rock & roll, have been walls that the church has used to separate itself from others; the rejection leaving hurt and scars.

Scars that I believe need healing.

When you look at the life of Christ, you see a friend to sinners. You see that He was about the marginalized and those on the fringes of society. My prayer that as we continue in Him, we continue to find space for those around us. Peace!

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