Friday, February 20, 2009

Linking Arms - Solo Day 48

I've been overwhelmed, watching what happens when we link arms. A couple of weeks ago I sat in a meeting with some of Houston's most talented architects, theatre consultants, engineers, project managers, video and sound designers - twelve people, all working toward the goal of constructing a theatre space for west Houston that would fulfill the "art of theatre for the common good" vision. Many donating their time to the cause. One week later, I sat with gifted real estate experts and attorneys as they skillfully negotiated lease and purchase terms on the property for the same goal...also donating their time. Yesterday I watched some of Houston's most talented actors and theatre educators as they worked with more then 50 students at Frostwood Elementary to draw out their personality, give them a sense of self-worth and help them explore their God-given creative gifts. Today I met with a group of gifted business people and a professional fund-raiser, all donating their time to help see the financial resources come together for the same cause. Tomorrow we'll host a basketball party for 5 basketball teams and families - maybe 70-100 people - most whom were not involved in organized sports a few years ago. Now the kids have relationships with adult role models who can help them break cycles of poverty and fatherlessness in their community.

I was thinking that three years ago, most of the people involved in these activities didn't even know each other. Even if they did know each other, they were not bound by a common mission. They don't all go to the FoM. In fact, most don't go to the FoM. Yet, all of them are pursuing a big, audacious and worthy goal...some out of social beneficence, some out of a heart for God's kingdom. Thanks to God, all are linking arms. None of them could have accomplished this alone. When we link arms in community with a common mission, we become more like God every day and share the privilege of watching him fulfill great things that will make him look as great as He is.

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