Over the last few weeks we have been exploring the season of Lent, which is a season of preparation leading up to Easter. Lent lasts for 40 days, signifying the 40 days Jesus fasted and was tempted in the desert.
According to the Gospels, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the river Jordan, he experienced a divine affirmation, and from there went into the desert to fast, and then to be tempted 3 times.
And that's the beginning.
The place where one of the most compelling, polarizing people in the history of the planet begins, not with temptations in the desert, but a "moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
The moment that He begins is the moment heaven claims him as its beloved.
This is a big thing, I think, at least it is for me. Actually I think, for more people then we'd think.
I read a posting once from an individual in New York. It read,
"Lunch...with friends. Dreaming and talking about how we could make the world a better place. Everyone wants to matter."
Reading this, I realized how much of our lives tend to pursue to matter, we pursue to become
The irony is,
We already do matter.
We are beloved.
Our pursuit is no longer to matter, or to be loved, but to love, to express to one another how each of us matters.
This is the start. This is the beginning.
To be honest, I'm not really what my life is supposed to look like being beloved, no longer pursuing to matter.
So far it seems liberating.
Free from impressing.
Free from status.
Free to give.
Free to love.
Free to serve.
Liberated from slavery to my sins, struggling to gain what has already been freely given.
An Exodus.
The beginning of movement.
This is Easter.
Christ died, because we matter. We matter despite sin and failures.
Embrace liberation.
We've been given what we struggle for.
And that's only the beginning.