Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Temptation to be only Relevant

This past Lenton season we started a discussion about the connection of Lent and the 40 days Christ fasted in the Desert. 

At the end of His fast, Christ was tempted. 

Accourding the Matthew 4.3-4
The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'
The first temptation was a temptation of being relevant to the situation at hand. 

You're hungry, others are hungry. 

Feed them. 

Meet the need. 

Christ responds by saying no. 

I think at a first glance, thinking on this, I was taken back. 

Isn't being relevant important?


I think the answer is in His answer. Christ answers with,

Man does not live on bread alone, 
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Jesus understands something at a much deeper level. Something deeper than a social mission, a hand out, something that connects people. I think many times I am tempted to let my commitments stop with an hour of volunteer time, or my checkbook turning  stones into bread.

Skipping a deeper commitment  to creating space to speak the words that come from the mouth of God.

I forget to speak the words that make some one matter. 

Words that heal.

Words that liberate. 

Words that love. 

I think we live under a lot of pressure to give to needs. To jump into every social awareness trend or cause. The rise in creating a common good, and social justice are incredible, needed, and welcomed.

 However, we must find the unique need where we are to be fully present. A place where we not only meet someone's need, but a place to speak words that heal.

Words that liberate. 

Words that make someone matter.

Words that are from the mouth of God.

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