Jim can tell you a lot about lots of things. Give him just a few minutes and you will know more than you ever thought you could about one particular subject. He is a smart man. Jim is authentic in faith in a way few have seen. He accepts the challenge to wrestle with the angel, and God meets him there each time. He engages God in relationship, plain and simple.
Jim is a volunteer. Like others he leads because he loves God and people. He fills holes where he is skilled. He is an asset as a hands on builder, a drummer, a set up guru, and he does it all selflessly. He never complains, countless times have I wished for a loving and grateful heart like Jim's. Jim Kelley. Friend. Role Model. Authentic. Humble. Loyal. These are words that describe Jim Kelley. Thank you, Jim.
Well said! Thanks Jim for everything you do.
Yes. Thanks Brother Jim.
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