Saturday, November 15, 2008

Recent FOM Comments

I've received some really encouraging emails over the last couple of weeks about the impact of The FOM in the journey of some of our people. Here are a few snippets.

“We both were excited to find a place where authenticity was important and where the church was actually practicing what they were preaching. We love The Fom and what God is doing in it, and through it. I personally think that it's through these kinds of community, that God is able to do the best work.”

“My testimony says it all about how Jesus, the FOM, and you guys have helped me stay on the path and grow.”

“I always thought the church helped people who were really in need (like food, clothes etc.)...but it was unbelievable to me that you all reached out to someone like us....has really changed my perspective on things.”

“I am grateful to the FOM for being a welcoming organization that is doing great stuff for others and for myself. “

“Thanks for letting me express some of my doubts. I am grateful to the FOM for being a welcoming organization that is doing great stuff for others and for myself.”

“I am so proud to be a part of FOM and witness the incredible gifts God has working through FOM and impacting so many people!”

“I can't imagine my life without the FOM right now. I love the people that make it what it is, and the approach we take to living life as a community.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The twenty four elders fall down before Him who sits ok the throne, and worships Him who lives forever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
"You are worth our Lord our God, to receive glory and honor, and power for you created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being.
Rev. 4.9-11

God thanks for these things. Thanks for doing these things among us. We lay these crowns at your feet Jesus.