Monday, January 12, 2009

A Chasm and a Choice

When Adam and Eve were told to not eat of the one tree, God put it there anyway. He offered a choice.

They chose.

Now a chasm lies between humanity and himself.

A gap stretches over infinite time and pain, and God has raced to my side of the chasm and offers a hand.

Once again, he's offering a choice.

I am american, in a garden of eden, and he's offering a choice. I stand, looking up at the forbidden tree, this time however, Jesus is hanging on it.

I pray I choose you.


Mike Camper said...

Hey brother,
Always choose the light over the darkness. Sometimes the light is seen as unpopular and going against society and sometimes you have to go it alone but you are not alone. It has taken me over 2 years to figure that out and I ask Jesus everyday to show me the lighted path. It is not the easy choice but always the right one.

asher castillo said...

That's pretty deep man..I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, and that is not a bad thing at all. Don't be shy to expound on this bro. It's really good.

Jim Kelley said...

dudes; nice snap at the end! "...Jesus is hanging on it..." sweetness.