Monday, October 16, 2006

Leveraging God's Resources

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. (1 Chron. 29:11)

As part of a series on money and possessions called “Lost Treasure”, we were challenged by the principle that God owns everything and he entrusts money and possessions to us as his stewards. We should leverage what God has entrusted to us for his purposes. We gave each family who attended that Sunday some money to use for God’s purposes and meet the needs of people in our community. Following are some of the ways that these resources were used:
I've been looking for God to show me someone to minister to in some small way ever since you passed out the envelopes. Last night at the grocery store I finally spotted her. She was in the dairy section, trying to figure out which products would be accepted with her WIC coupons. When I got in line to check out, she was behind me, with her basket full of formula, milk, cheese, juice, and Cheerios. Nothing else. So I checked out and put my basket aside. I then said “Hi” and asked if there was anything else she was hoping to get at the store, maybe something that wasn't covered by WIC. She hesitated, so I asked if there was something fun that I could get just for her, like ice cream or candy. She smiled and said she would love some candy. "Sweet stuff or chocolate?" "Sweet stuff", she replied. So I went to the Halloween section and bought a huge bag of candy, but that didn't use up my $10.00. So I came back and asked for her favorite ice cream. "Cookies and Cream." She smiled. I found a gallon of Blue Bell and brought that back. She said "You don't have to do this." I told her I'd been looking for something fun to do all day. She has a one month old at home, first baby. She had a cold and seemed really tired, so I didn't chat much. I checked out, the sacker put the stuff in her cart, and I was on my way. Thanks for letting me do this!!! I had a blast!
The money was put to good use for God’s kingdom. When I was driving home from Target, I remembered the money and felt strongly that I needed to do something with it. Just then, an old man crossed the street and stopped to sit in the median. I passed by initially, but felt like I was supposed to help the man. So I turned around and gave him the money. He was full of gratitude and went so far as to call me his “angel.” As I drove away, the man crossed the street to get a meal at Church’s chicken. I think that this was just one example of how God’s resources could be used to show his grace and love.
We gave it to a Katrina survivor who is still jobless and very depressed. She has a 6-year old who keeps asking daily if her mommy is going to cry or if she is sad.
We used the $10 to purchase a bag of cat food then took it to CAP Center. We spent time there playing with the dogs.
We bought and donated food for End Hunger at Kroger
We sponsor two Compassion International children, Eyab and Farida. We are using the money for their extra Christmas money.
Our family bought baking supplies and ribbon. We’ve been baking pumpkin bread for our neighbors and surprising them with visits. These are lonely widows and one widower.
We gave the money to Christ Memorial's mission project that is working toward building an 8-bed children's hospital in Guinea.
We bought Halloween candy and a pumpkin to give to the nurses that work in Hospice care.

I gave the money to a family at my son’s school. They have a child who recently underwent a heart transplant. His family is burdened with substantial bills.

I sent the money to the Star of Hope Mission for Thanksgiving dinners.

Friday, September 08, 2006

...I have prayed for you - Countdown Day 1

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail and when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers”. Luke 22:31

This passage strikes me for many reasons. First it shows once again that Satan is real and always on the prowl for those God loves. The phrase “to sift you like wheat” means to toss up and down, or to shake with violence. Sometimes I think we choose to forget this reality as it’s uncomfortable and even disturbing in our civilized times. For Jesus to tell Simon to his face that Satan is out to get him must have been dreadful for Simon to hear, yet Jesus thought it was worth bringing to his attention. Jesus obviously thought Simon should be aware of his enemy and be alert to his intentions. I think oftentimes we, as believers, can become drowsy and choose to forget that Satan’s ultimate goal is to destroy our faith and make us turn back. I love that right after those formidable words, Jesus gives us a well desired “But…” Whew! Am I relieved to see that word after hearing such news! If Jesus says, “But…”, then there’s good news coming so listen close!

He goes on to say, “But I have prayed for you..”. I have a mentor friend, a great prayer warrior, and when I’m going through something difficult I ask her to pray for me. It is always very comforting for me to know she is interceding for me. To know that Jesus himself prays for us to be strengthened in our faith rocks me. It’s amazing. It also impresses me that if Jesus prays then so much more should we. He knows we will face various trials, he knows our faith is about to be tested. He knows we will fail on certain challenges. Yet, he tells Simon, “when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers”. We are not to face these trials alone nor are we to leave each other alone to face trials. We are to strengthen one another. When our brother fails, we are to turn around, pick him up and carry on. This is the church. This is our duty and privilege to love one another in truth and compassion.

There will be days ahead in our personal lives and in the life of our church when we will become aware of Satan’s desire to sift us like wheat. Let us prepare ourselves before we see the need to fight; we know that by prayer we place ourselves under God’s holy protection. The enemy is real, yes, but so is the victory which Christ obtained. The victory is ours, Fellowship of Memorial, so “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power”. (Eph. 6:10)
Pray that God would bring people on Sunday who we can lead to faith in him.
Posted by Lisa Archinal

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Just Some Guy - Countdown Day 2

Chapter 9 of Acts describes an incredible conversion event for Saul. Saul is a leader among those who are persecuting early Christ-followers, but God plucks him out from the rest and confronts him in what proves to be a literally blinding light that leaves Saul without eyesight. Saul's life and identity are changed, as he is ultimately sent out to tell the non-Jewish world of Jesus Christ. He trades in his Jewish name for a Gentile name, Paul, reflecting his new purpose and person. But before Saul can become Paul, someone must introduce him to the Gospel. To the true story of God incarnate in Christ. To Christ's teachings. To Christ's love. Saul, at this point, is both literally and metaphorically a blind man.

So God appears to "just some guy" named Ananias in a dream. He tells Ananias that he is to go seek out Saul to "place his hands on him to restore his sight." God informs Ananias that Saul is his "chosen instrument" to carry His name out into the world. Ananias obeys God's call and goes, albeit reluctantly, to meet the one who has persecuted people just like him throughout the known world. And this historic event changes the face of Western civilization. Saul becomes Paul. Paul treks through the beginnings of the Roman Empire sharing all he's learned.

And nothing is ever said about Ananias again. His story ends here. Paul's name adorns churches throughout the world. The church celebrates him. But I still haven't seen a special on the History Channel about Ananias. He was, after all, "just some guy." But what a privilege to be that guy. What a privilege to share God's love with someone and then to watch God multiply it like fishes and loaves across civilizations and through generations.

On Sunday we kick off KidzPlanet, KidzStreet, the Treehouse and Elevation. We will attempt to share God's love through Jesus Christ. We're just us...nothing more. And I believe God loves it that way. What if God uses us to reach someone? What if He changes a life through us? What if that person's worldview changes because of the understanding that he/she is loved by God? What if that makes life better for his/her children and spouse? What if that person, in turn, shares God's love with another? That's exciting stuff! That's the unlimited potential of God through His people! I'm fired up!
Pray that KidzPlanet would be used by God to serve our community and introduce people to Him.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"It's the day of the show ya'll" - Countdown Day 3

One of my favorite shows on the planet is Waiting for Guffman. If you haven't seen it here is a thumbnail sketch: The city of Blaine, Missouri is celebrating its sesquicentennial, and what better reason could there be to put on a show? Corky St. Claire (Christopher Guest ), current leader of Blaine's community theater group has been commissioned to put together a musical about the city's noble history, "Red, White and Blaine," which stars a variety of the town's theatrical talent. Somehow, Corky has persuaded a major theatrical producer in New York to send a representative to look at the show -- is it possible that "Red, White and Blaine" could be headed to Broadway? "Guffman" is the name of the special guest and the front row seat has been "Reserved" just for him. In fact, while the production is put on for the entire city of Blaine the actors seem to be more focused on the audience of one...Guffman.

This Sunday..."It's the day of the show y'all"...we will have seats filled (God-willing), actors in place, worship leaders ready, and a great teaching of the word both in the worship service and in our children's areas. But just who is our audience? Revelation 4:11 "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."

This Sunday, and every Sunday, we will have an "empty seat" on the front row waiting for the arrival of our special guest. Our goal is to make sure God is worshiped at FOM...whether through KidzPlanet, worship, The Treehouse, KidzStreet or through any of our youth programs. We have much more to celebrate than a sesquicentennial! And while our group of worshipers may be filled with a rag-tag team of people that resemble the actors from Waiting for Guffman I assure you God will be worshiped. He IS worthy! So pray today that God will show up this Sunday! We have a seat reserved just for Him.

Pray today for FOM staff and leadership that they would be continuously surrendered to God's purposes for the ministry.

Posted by Chris Archinal

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sink the Cruise Ship - Countdown Day 4

"If FOM becomes a cruise ship rather than a life boat, let's all conspire to sink her."

My greatest fear for Fellowship of Memorial is that we begin to exist for our own comfort and pleasure, like narcissistic passengers on a luxury liner. God forbid that we spend our days grazing on a vast buffet of delectable food while refugees on precarious rafts float starving at the base of our steep cruise ship hull. If FOM becomes a luxury liner, we'll conspire to sink her and hope some of those refugees can float to safety on the debris.

This weekend was an indication that we're in the lifeboat business. Several FOMers organized a Burger and Melon bash at Nottingham Park and gave away about 100 hamburgers. There were no big FOM signs at this event. Just free food, lots of conversation and invitations to take the next step in community with one another.
Many of the people we met there have physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Some are feeling isolated and persecuted, having moved last year from New Orleans and getting much of the blame for a new wave of crime in the community. There were lots of kids whose parents are mostly absent, just looking for an adult to encourage them and demonstrate a genuine interest in their lives. Some of the adults are desperate for help, without jobs and without hope. Other adults seem to have their physical needs fully met, but their lives are lonely and empty.

We don't have the answers to all their problems, but we genuinely believe that God wants to bring them hope through Jesus. We'll be available to love people in our community, try to meet their needs and walk with them through their challenges. That's who we are at FOM. We have lifeboats.
Pray for individuals in our church, that we would grow in our love for people outside of faith in God

Friday, September 01, 2006

While You Were Sleeping - Countdown Day 6

I like that movie, While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock. As Lucy, a lonely subway worker, she becomes smitten with a handsome stranger (Peter Gallagher). But when she saves his life after he's been mugged and fallen into a coma, his hilariously offbeat family mistakes her for his fiancé. Soon, the mix-ups escalate as Lucy fabricates a life between herself and a man she's never met.

As we are in the wonderful busy stage of preparing for our “new season” of ministry and in our own personal lives gearing up for school, fall activities, etc. I’m reminded of this movie and how it relates to one of my all time favorite passages of scripture:

Revelation 4: 8-11

Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

Worship, glory and honor is going on right now as we are working, planning, eating, praying, walking, sleeping, driving, and on and on it goes. Worship happens 24/7 because God is worthy 24/7. I pray that in the busyness of life we would not miss the worship. We would not miss the glory or the honor. I pray we would not miss the opportunity to cast all our “crowns” at the throne of the King. It’s all for him. Let’s be awake and aware of whose we are and stay true to our purpose – to see lives transformed through relationship with Jesus Christ so that God may be glorified and enjoyed.
Pray that God would help us to be generous with our financial resources as a church and as individuals. (Pick a specific meal time this weekend to pray for FOM)
Posted by Lisa Archinal

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Unlimited - Countdown Day 7

So Moses is this ordinary guy, right? And God appears to him through a burning bush and calls him by name. He goes on to tell him that he will be used as God's mouthpiece to the Egyptians, who are enslaving the Jews. That he is to go to Pharoh, himself, and tell this powerful king to release his people. Moses replies: "What if they don't believe me, God? What if they don't listen to me? After all, I'm not a very good speaker. I'm not very eloquent. My tongue gets tied all the time. I stutter and stammer. Can you please just send someone else?"

Don't we find ourselves doing this in the face of God's call in our lives? I certainly do. We read or hear what Christ calls us to and we write it off as metaphor. "Certainly you can't mean that, Lord!?! That's just asking too much! I'm only human, after all!" We feel like we might be hearing God's call for us, but our first thought is to the umpteen excuses we can make for not following; or for not even listening further. Maybe we let shame get in the way -- "why would God want to use me?"

God doesn't live in those limits, and He isn't concerned with our limits. He likes to color outside the lines, and that kind of freaks us out because it messes with our expectations. But His concern is the redemption and deliverance of his people. For some reason His method for going about the business of redemption and deliverance is through His people. Moses was made into an agent of God's redemption and deliverance. And there is redemption and deliverance for him in this personal transformation. As the story continues, his insecurities seem to vanish. He speaks with great confidence before the leader of a powerful civilization. He becomes the person God already knew him to be, while he was still proclaiming his inadequacies at the burning bush. One who is redeemed becomes an agent of redemption.

God desires to redeem this world and this community. Though I haven't seen any flaming shrubbery, I think He is very clearly calling us to that task at Fellowship of Memorial. He already knows our shortcomings, so there's probably no use hiding behind them or offering them up in place of ourselves. How then will we respond?

Pray that our teachers would hear God's Spirit and faithfully teach God's word. Hebrews 13:7

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Not Just Any Milkshake - Countdown Day 8

1 Peter 4:7-11
The end of everything is near; so be sensible and clear-headed for the sake of your prayers. Above all, continue to love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without complaining. As good managers of God's grace in its various forms, serve one another with the gift each of you has received. Whoever speaks must speak God's words. Whoever serves must serve with the strength that God supplies, so that in every way God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. Glory and power belong to him forever and ever! Amen

Several years ago my twin brother was at Baskin Robbins and he ordered a chocolate milkshake. It seemed to take a little longer than he expected, but the young high school kid behind the counter was also very meticulous with his "milkshake skills". Jason paid the young man and as he handed the drink to Jason he held tightly to the cup. Jason, recognizing the tug the employee put on the cup, looked up and made eye contact with the kid at which time the kid said, "Sir, this will be the best milkshake you have ever had. (long dramatic pause) Seriously." Jason smiled awkwardly and walked away. In the parking lot he took his first spoonful, and you know what? That little zit-faced high school punk was was the best milkshake he had ever had, and Jason went back and told him that.

"...when you serve do it with the strength that God provides so that in everyway God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. Glory and power to him forever and ever. Amen."

FOMers are helpers I like to say! But when you help, remember it isn't for the glory of self, or for FOM to be lifted up it is for people to see God through the Jesus you are to them each time they enter our midst. So what is your "milkshake"? It is wherever you are serving. Your milkshake is running lights, building/striking the set, putting up signs, taking care of kids, greeting, setting up the lobby, singing, teaching, etc. etc. When you do those things please don't do them unto FOM, do them unto the Lord...for His glory! So that when people leave our service we can with confidence look them in the eye and say, "This will be the best Sunday morning experience you have ever had. Seriously."
Pray that children who attend FOM events would grow to love God and one another
Posted by Chris Archinal

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Larry is Coming for Dinner - Countdown Day 9

Our brothers and sisters of the Jewish tradition annually observe Passover. It is the celebration of the Israelites exodus from Egypt and their freedom from bondage. At the feast of the Passover, or Seder, there are four cups of wine imbibed and a fifth cup is reserved for the prophet Elijah who is the honored guest of the Seder. Jews believe that Elijah will return to foretell of the coming of the Messiah.

I love Elijah. He’s the guy in the Old Testament who took on the prophets of Baal, was fed by ravens, and got to go to heaven in a whirlwind accompanied by a chariot and horses of fire. As if all of that wasn’t enough, God lets him appear with Moses on the mountain at the transfiguration of Christ. Peter, James and John are there and they want to just set up shop on the mountain. God, of course, had a different plan.

Tradition is great, especially something like the Passover that is filled with prophecy regarding the Messiah, Jesus Christ. But, I tend to want to look at things differently. Elijah has already gotten to do his thing. He probably won’t be showing up for dinner at my table even if I were to save him a glass of wine. Jesus Christ is here. Now. Aren’t we required then to look at things differently?

So, who will be showing up at my table for dinner? Who will be showing up at your table for dinner? I’ll tell you that at my house Larry is coming for dinner. We are all really excited about it too. We aren’t sure how we will communicate with him because Larry is deaf. I don’t know anything else about Larry. God knows everything about him though.

A year or so ago, God hit me over the head with a scripture I had never noticed. In Luke 14, Jesus is dining in the home of a Pharisee. Everybody is making a big deal about who is going to sit at the head of the table. Jesus gives them some advice about being humble and then he gives it, the challenge: “When you put on a luncheon or a dinner, don’t invite your friends, brothers, relatives, and rich neighbors. For they will repay you by inviting you back. Instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Then, at the resurrection of the godly, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you.” Wow! Trust me; I’m not godly for inviting Larry to eat with us because he is deaf. I’m just literal and that happens to be someone who God put in my life. That’s really the point. Who is the Larry in your life?

As cool as Elijah is, he’s not coming to dinner. But, because of Jesus Christ, Larry is.


Pray that people in our Community Groups would grow in love and concern for one another.

Monday, August 28, 2006

This is the Year - Countdown Day 10

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.” Luke 4:18-19

“God’s favor” is a popular subject these days. Since we are materialists, we often envision God’s favor in terms of physical comfort and material provision. Our preaching then draws upon Old Testament passages to produce a New Testament gospel that makes God the cosmic vending machine and the coins our faith. ‘Put in enough faith and you’ll receive God’s favor.’ It’s Christianity’s counterpart to “Think and Grow Rich.”

But Jesus draws upon a passage in Isaiah to proclaim that the Lord’s favor is at hand. It has arrived. “This is the year of the Lord’s favor.” It has come with the arrival of Jesus. No more waiting. It’s here!

The good news of the Lord’s favor is for the “poor.” It’s for people whose souls are restless and desperate. That includes me. I hope we all have a sense of how poor we are. I hope we have a deep recognition that apart from God’s mercy and unmerited favor, we are bankrupt spiritually. If we have a sense of this poverty, Jesus has good news for us. It’s a message of freedom, a message of clarity, a message of release.

Do you feel captive to a series of thoughts, emotions, and circumstances? Jesus has come to free you from this prison. You are free. Are you unclear about God’s purposes? Perplexed about your future? Jesus has come to make you see clearly. He wants to heal your blindness. Are you oppressed today? Do you have a burden that is too great for you to bear? Jesus has come to free you from this oppression. No more burden.

The Lord’s favor is not for us just to receive, but to pass on. Who do you know that is suffering from captivity, blindness and oppression? Can you take some time to pass along the good news of the Lord’s favor? Sometimes this might just mean listening to them, encouraging them and praying for them. Sometimes it might mean that you are the physical source of God’s favor to them.

This is “the year of the Lord’s favor” at Fellowship of Memorial. Not because we are anticipating material abundance, but because we are hoping that he will use us to “free prisoners, recover the blind and release the oppressed” in our community. I’m looking forward to sharing in the Lord’s favor with you this year.

Pray that God would provide guidance for youth outreach and ministry

Friday, August 25, 2006

Lessons from a Dog - Day 11

My precious "niece dogs" are staying with us this week. My favorite thing is to take them for a walk each morning. They adore me for it (especially as I'm the only one who does it!). They follow me around the house throughout the day in hopes that at any moment I'll get their leashes. They are the sweetest dogs God ever made, I'm pretty sure. (Not that I am biased!) This morning I took them for our regular special time together around the block and as I turned the corner to come back home I decided to run with them so they'd be extra pooped and ready to rest for the next several hours. First they ran along side of me, then they ran slightly behind me, then, without warning, Bella came to a full stop! I nearly fell and broke my neck! I turned immediately to see this dog with both front paws planted on the cement and her head down and pulling back against the leash.

This is a very sweet, obedient dog. I was shocked! It was as if she were saying, "Look, I'll sit when you tell me. I'll lay down when you tell me. I'll stay with you on the walk and not chase other dogs. But do NOT make me run anymore!" She was done. She was absolutely finished. She'd had it. After all, we've all got our limits.

I never thought of myself as a dog before but I saw myself in that moment. Oh, I pray to God like I'm supposed to. I'll give my 10%+ to the church. I'll donate toys to the poor. I'll even volunteer to help my church with this project or that but I've got my limits. God, don't ask me to do something I'm not willing to do! I'm tired. I'm busy. I've got plans.

I hand God control voluntarily just like Bella and Kahki bring me their leashes. They trust me to take them for a walk and bring them home safely. But the moment God asks me to do something outside of my comfort, my control, I put on the full stop. "God, you can't be serious. God, what's the five year plan on this thing? How's this going to turn out? Can't you see I'm just a human? What do you expect from me?"

God is clear in what he promises: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life." (Jn. 8:12) He promises other things too, like trouble, persecution, suffering...but, wow, he also promises we'll never walk in darkness. Not only will we NOT walk in darkness but we'll have the light of life! Not just any light, not fluorescent light, not candlelight, not sunlight - life light!

Are we willing to run when we're tired? Are we willing to leave God in control? Are we willing to submit our wills to his even when it's the opposite of what our flesh desires?

My prayer for FOM today is this:
"We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as imposters; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything." (2 Cor. 6:3-10)
Pray that we would be good stewards of the spiritual gifts God has given our church.
Consider fasting from one meal this weekend and pray for the people God wants to reach through FOM.
Posted by Lisa Archinal

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Called Out - Countdown Day 12

Church is not a place. If you're referring to church as a place, please stop. If you hear me refer to church as a place...please stop to remind me that I'm a hypocrite!

Our translation of church is poor, mostly because we can't find an English word that closely matches the Greek word we are attempting to understand, "ekklesia." "Ek" means "out," and "kaleo" means "to call." Those who were called out. Set apart. At the time of the original writings, "ekklesia" had political connotations which far exceeded any religious connotations. It was understood to be a group called out to look after and grow the Kingdom of God. I am afraid the word "church" in our culture just does not communicate that.

Church is not a place. Church is people. Church is US. We are part of the very people called out to look after and grow God's Kingdom. I'm thankful that our "place" at the Playhouse is not yet considered a church, in the traditional sense, because it helps us to all be very aware that the church is the very people we worship with and work out our faiths with. Fellowship of Memorial isn't a's a people. I pray that's always so real to us, no matter where God might lead us.

Remember that we are called out. We are set apart. And in the Kingdom of this upside-down, inside-out God, that doesn't mean we are served, but rather that we get to serve. It doesn't mean that we get to go first, but rather that we get to go last. And by following this path we somehow, mystically and practically, become more like Christ.

We can become easily distracted from this. Our world values the easy road. How much of our culture is built around the concept of some new contraption or solution that can make it "easier" on us? But this faith we are committed to is anything but easy. And in that sense, it is exactly the sort of thing the culture around us would ordinarily reject. Let's not be distracted. Let's not be distracted by the world's message or our desires to live for ourselves, always demanding more than what God has deemed sufficient. Instead, let's live to what we were called out for in our selfless service to our community and to each other, which will call attention to the One we love. "And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved." - Acts 2:47
Pray that technical issues on Sundays would not cause a distraction to his purposes.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Getting What's Asked - Countdown Day 13

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

This statement sounds incredible. ASK and it shall be given. It sounds amazing, doesn’t it? It sounds almost unbelievable right? Imagine if all you had to do to get anything you wanted out of life is ASK. It sounds a little farfetched doesn’t it? This summer I thought it would be good for all of our kids to ask for something specific for FOM. So Mary Cate has been praying for a new location, Jack has been praying for God to bring lost people to FOM "so they can learn about Him", and Ellie has been asking "to please bring all the actors back to KidzPlanet safely." Nothing sweeter than the prayer of a child!

Last night as we prayed at the dinner table Ellie led...and prayed for mommy to get a Scooby Doo video at the store, then Mary Cate asked if she could pray something. She said, "And thank you God for giving us a place to have KidzPlanet and our worship service." It about made me cry on the spot. You know what Mary Cate reminded me of last night? That God is still in the business of not just hearing what we ask for, but ANSWERING. What is your prayer for FOM today. Maybe you will echo the prayers of Jack and Ellie. Maybe you have a friend that needs to hear the good news of Christ and you need to ask for courage to invite them. I challenge you today to ask for people to come! I challenge you today to pray for our actors. I challenge you today to ASK for something!

Oh yeah a few things Mary Cate reminded me about this whole ASK thing: Keep asking! (pray consistently about your request) and say "Thanks!" when God has answered your prayer. By the way, the simple fact that you are reading this blog tells me that God is still in the business of answering prayers! I've been praying for "people to come with us" on this FOM journey for a long time. It doesn't matter how big or how small your "ask" is...just ask. Who knows, Ellie might even end up with her Scooby Doo video. :)
Pray for individuals in our church that they would grow in relationship with God
Posted by Chris Archinal

Monday, August 21, 2006

Empty - Countdown Day 14

Empty. Dull. Unproductive. Barren.

How can we be children of God, bought by Christ and yet, at times, be filled with feelings of emptiness? I could espouse on all of the possible explanations. We all know the drill….Adam and Eve in the garden messed everything up, etc. The knowledge of this never really helps though because at the end of it I still feel barren. Society tells me not to feel this way and to aid me there are countless things I could do or drugs I could take to help me not really feel anything. I’m not interested in that way though. It’s impossible to put a Band-Aid on a chasm.

In all of this, the voice of God speaks to my spirit and says, “Behold, I make all things new.” I hear it all around me, comforting me even in my restless sleep. His way is not to try and make it all go away. It doesn’t come anywhere close to looking like instant gratification. Instead, it is a steady, never-ending flow of love, encompassing my being. His love that knows how ugly my thoughts are and still loves. His love that asks for nothing in return and still gives. His love that is enough. “Behold, I make all things new," becomes the salve that slowly starts to heal the hole in my heart. When I am suppliant, then and only then, does He show me His glory. Through Scripture, He reminds me that He is the God of Ezekiel 37, capable of breathing His Spirit into dry bones and making them whole.

At times, I still feel barren and empty but, I am learning to thank Him for these moments, in spite of the pain. The beauty of His voice spoken into my broken spirit is rich with blessing. “Behold, I make all things new.” I am so very thankful for that!

Pray for individuals in our church that they would grow in their love for people who are outside of faith in God.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Destination a Journey - Countdown Day 15

Luke 9:1-6
When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: "Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them." So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere.

We're going on a journey, but you can't take anything along. You can't prepare for this journey. We may sleep in some places that are uncomfortable. We may eat different food. We may eat less food. It might get hot out there. It might get cold. After a few days, we may smell a little different. We'll certainly have to borrow a few things along the way.

Parts of the journey will be very steep so we'll need endurance. Other parts will be smooth. We'll need to avoid complacency there. There is a dangerous precipice along the way. We'll need courage to traverse it.

Thankfully, we won't be traveling alone. We'll have a guide. Our guide will be essential because he is the only one who has been there before. But this is not a journey that can be accomplished even with a guide. We'll need a group. The guide would never take us on this journey without a group.

On this journey, we won't have a destination that can be found on a map. Don't let that frighten you. There are things that have been prepared for us to do along the way. Good things. If we are not distracted, we will recognize those things when they arrive.

After we have traveled for a while, we will realize that we have been arriving at our destination all along. We'll realize that the journey was our destination and that we have been changed along the way.

Pray today that God would provide the financial resources to accomplish his purposes through FOM

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Love for Community - Countdown Day 17

I heard a presentation once at a conference that stuck with me. The speaker asked us listeners to shut our eyes and imagine our Sunday mornings getting ready for church. Shaving; brushing teeth and hair; chasing down and dressing up kids; throwing down pop-tarts and driving to this place we call church. In that setting, he asked us to consider what was going on around us in our community as we prepared for church those mornings. Did we consider the hurting going on all around us? The lies? Divorce next door? Insecurity across the street? Financial stress around the corner? Broken relationships? Pain? The real lives of the real people who we call neighbors?

In our community in West Houston, that pain is real. Yeah, it is masked and covered up with surroundings and accessories to make us look like we're the people on the pages of the catalogues we receive. But this community is like every other. Affected by the tragedy of lives disconnected from God and faith placed in fleeting things. And in all this mess and filth and hiding and hurt is Christ asking us, the Church - his body, to put him on display for this community.

In Mark 6:31, we find Jesus seeking a quiet place with his disciples to get some rest. His disciples had just gone out on their own through the villages for the first time to share all that they were learning from their rabbi. So verse 32 tells us they take a boat to what they believe will be a solitary place; but they find it's not so solitary. A group of people ran ahead of them on the land to meet them as they came ashore. I don't know what these people looked like, but I'm guessing they were of all kinds. Men, women, children, poor, not-so-poor. And verse 34 very subtly suggests how amazing this Jesus is. Because he looks on them and sees they are without a guide. They have no shepherd. They may be smiling in anticipation. But he sees them as lost and hurting in a very deep way. And it says he had compassion on them. He's tired. His disciples are tired. They sought quiet solitude. But Christ is led by compassion, and that changes everything.

Let us be led by compassion. Not in an obnoxious or arrogant or misplaced way. Not in a way that suggests we have all the answers. But led by compassion in the understanding that pain surrounds us, but it's not the end of the story. Christ's compassion caused him to see these people differently. What if we became that? What if we truly saw those around us in our neighborhoods and supermarkets and little league ballparks with compassion? What if we engaged them in our lives? How would that transform us? And how would that lead to transformation for them? How would our lives and their lives be better?
Pray that we might be inspired by Christ's love for people. Pray that we might have the wit and wisdom and imagination to share His love. That we might love our community enough to meet them right where they are, introducing them, perhaps for the first time, to the One who loves them beyond measure.
Posted by Brett Moyer

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

5 Drinks for Breakfast - Countdown Day 18

As a part of my job (outside of FOM) I travel a lot. This week I have been in Toronto (still here at the time of writing) and I noticed something funny this morning. After I worked out I went back to my room and showered then went down for breakfast. I was eating alone and begin to laugh at myself when I looked up and noticed what was on my table. I had my typical eggs over easy with crispy bacon, a bowl of Special K and some fruit, but just beyond the plate of food sat the following: orange juice, ice water, coffee, skim milk and chocolate milk (I'm still a kid at heart). 5 drinks for breakfast...and I was responsible for ordering each one of them! Holy cow, why did I need 5 drinks to choke down my eggs and bacon. I realized that my workout had left me parched and everything in liquid form sounded good, so I basically just ordered one of each. Wouldn't water have done the trick?! I dissected it further (remember I'm eating alone so analyzing my "drinking habit" was something to pass the time I suppose) and rationalized it by saying, "Well, the orange juice is good for vitamin C, the water is to quench my thirst from working out, the coffee is to wake me up, the skim milk is for my cereal and the chocolate milk, uh, er, well, that's my creature comfort." It's a silly comparison, but my mind wondered further as I begin to think about the people we are trying to reach through God's work in and through FOM. The people we are trying to reach aren't much different then me in this experience.

You see everyone is thirsty. Our daily life, or "workout", leaves us parched. As believers we turn to the One who quenches our thirst. So much so that He boldly professes that if we drink of His well we will never thirst again. Non Christ followers don't have the ultimate thirst quencher so they will fill their lives with things that seem to quench their thirst, even if it is just for the moment. The OJ, water, coffee, skim milk and chocolate milk turn into relationships, material possessions, status, climbing the corporate ladder, having more stuff, etc. Not all of those things are bad, but in and of themselves they are not thirst quenchers.

Isaiah 41:17-20 says: The poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst; I, Jehovah, will answer them, I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. I will put in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia, and the myrtle, and the oil-tree; I will set in the desert the fir-tree, the pine, and the box-tree together: that they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of Jehovah hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it.

FOMers, there are poor and needy people around us. Not necessarily financially, but spiritually...people in Memorial are running empty on a full tank. Full of stuff, but empty of God. The soul of man is itself empty and needy, seeking for satisfaction somewhere, but soon despairs of finding it in the world. God wants to open the rivers, fountains, pools of water and springs! And he wants to do it for the purpose of revealing himself! So how will you let God use you to help reveal Himself to the poor and needy of Memorial? Pray today that God will allow you the opportunity today to invite someone to be a part of our September 10 KidzPlanet and FOM worship service Fall Kick-off...that they may see, and know, and consider, and
understand together, that God has done this!
Pray for individuals in our church that they would grow in relationship with God
Posted by Chris Archinal

Monday, August 14, 2006

Donkey Mentality - Countdown Day 19

A pastor referred to Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem and asked: "What if the donkey on which Jesus was riding had thought all the cheering was for him? What if that small animal had believed that the hosannas and the branches were in his honor?" The minister then pointed to himself and said: "I'm a donkey. The longer I'm here the more you'll come to realize that. I am only a Christ-bearer and not the object of praise."

Well, as it is true for this minister so it is very true for me. Lord, protect me from ever thinking any praise is comin' my way! May you receive all the honor and glory you deserve. May I always be willing to carry you through the crowds of lost souls to display your life and your love.

If we could develop a healthy "donkey mentality" what an asset that would be as we walk through this FOM ministry. Instead of wondering what people think of us, our concern would be, "Can they see Christ Jesus, the King?" Rather than seeking credit for service rendered, we would be content to lift up the Lord.
Pray today that technical issues on Sundays would not cause a distraction to His purposes.
Posted by Lisa Archinal

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Avoiding Growth-Free Plantings - Countdown Day 20

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow - 1 Corinthians 3:7

Last Spring, my three boys took the flower seeds they got as the KidzPlanet monthly virtue tool and each planted them in separate paper cups. They then began to water them regularly and watch for signs of germination. We unwisely planted them in a shallow depth of horrible Texas clay and left them to simmer in the 93 degree heat. Nevertheless, two of the flower cups germinated and eventually grew stems. One of the cups never grew anything but a few weeds. I've wondered about that since then. All three sets of flower seeds were planted in the same conditions and treated equally. One of them never grew. The growing didn't depend so much on the planting and watering.

Today we begin a 20-Day Prayer Countdown to the kick-off of KidzPlanet and Sunday worship at Fellowship of Memorial. While there is plenty of gritty labor to be done before the September 10 kick-off, we want to put more energy and focus on prayer. Why? We believe that enormous effort can be applied to planting and watering this ministry and it might be in vain. It might not create any real growth. God must provide the growth. And for us, that growth means lives that are transformed for his glory. Since we are focused on spiritual transformation, we are deeply aware that God's Spirit must bear the fruit. We will be calling on him in various ways throughout the next month to grow fruit in the community through the FOM.

Join us as we begin this journey. Take a few minutes each day to read the blogs and pray over each daily request. We'll plant and water this ministry together while we ask God to create the growth.
Pray today that God would bring people to FOM environments who are seeking a relationship with him

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Living without Regret

We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." (Num. 13:30)

In Numbers 13, Moses sends twelve spies to explore the land of Canaan after they have been led out of Egypt. The spies were to evaluate the fruitfulness of the land and report on its inhabitants. The twelve returned carrying with them a single cluster of grapes so large that two of them had to carry it between them on a pole. Following is the paraphrased report from ten of those spies.

"Indeed, the land is exceedingly abundant. Here is its fruit. But, the people are giants and the cities have large walls. Let's just stay out here in the desert until we die. Better yet, let's return to Egypt where we were slaves."

But two of those spies, Joshua and Caleb, looked back on how God had led them out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea and provided abundantly for their needs in the desert - all with the promise of inheriting this land. They said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it."

In the end, the Israelites listened to the ten fearful spies rather than the two courageous ones. God was displeased so he directed that the entire generation die in the desert before he would allow their children to enter into the promised land. Only Joshua and Caleb were allowed to enter the land from that generation.

I've wondered about how much regret the older generation must have endured over the next 40 years while waiting to die in the desert. They were standing on the precipice of God's abundance, but when the time came, they were afraid to take it. Jonathan Edwards, the famous 18th Century New England pastor, wrote 70 bold resolutions while in his early twenties. One of those reads, "Resolved, that I will live so, as I shall wish I had done when I come to die."

A motivating influence behind Fellowship of Memorial is our greater fear of regret than failure. Better to have tried and failed than to fail to try. Teddy Roosevelt put it like this in his famous quote: "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checked by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

We all have the choice to live a safe, secure and colorless existence, or to live with absolute abandon for the things which we know to be of ultimate value. The latter choice may cost you your reputation, your resources, even your life. Much worse however, is to reach the end of our lives with the regret of that generation of Israelites having been offered the promise but neglecting to enter in.

Monday, April 24, 2006

The Full Extent of His Love

The Lord directed me to a passage of scripture yesterday that I can’t stop thinking about. With Easter upon us, I wanted to read something about what his life was like a few days before he was crucified. What were his last words before his gruesome death? What were the last lessons he would teach in this fleshly container? He had taught so many lessons, told so many stories, demonstrated his point so many times and yet the disciples still weren’t quite catching on. What would be his last attempt to show us God’s message?

It’s found in John 13 - he washed filthy man feet.

There are two things I’d like to ask God why he created: mosquitoes and man feet. I despise feet. I know they are necessary but why not give us chrome wheels to run around on? Are these boney, awkward, smelly appendages really the best idea? Some people get queasy from giving blood, I get queasy looking at man feet. Yuk! But Jesus decided to serve the ‘lowest’ part of the body by washing them.

‘It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus. Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.’ John 13:1-5.

Look at the verse I highlighted. Seems strange at first that in the middle of this story John would mention Jesus knew he was sovereign and knew he would soon return to glory. But there’s a reason he reminds us.

I used to have a housekeeper that would come help me when my children were small. I always tried to treat her with more dignity than a queen as I think it is so humbling to clean someone else’s toilets! I respected her for doing this “menial” job to help provide for her family. I wonder how much self control it would take to be a real queen and humble yourself to the point where you would “get up” and go to one of your subject’s houses and ask if you could clean their toilets.

Jesus is God! Jesus had already humbled himself significantly by putting on human flesh. His whole life had been an exercise of humility – born in a barn, raised to be a carpenter, misunderstood by his own people. Now he was taking another step in “getting up” and getting down on his knees to wash feet. Can we get the point yet? God is about showing the full extent of his love and this is done through humility and service.

The highlighted portion is starting to make more sense now, John is informing us about the incredible self-control and patience Jesus had. His composure of mind at this point is astounding. Judas is still there. Jesus knows Judas is going to betray him in just a few moments yet he is washing his feet. Jesus is able to do this ultimate act of servanthood because he knows he has already obtained victory over death. He was able to raise his mind to the glorious triumph which was speedily to follow.

It usually happens that when we are stressed, dreading something that is about to happen, we become agitated. Yet here is Jesus serving others. This is the ultimate stress test. Jesus would soon be handed over (multiple times by multiple people) to brutal torture and death. He doesn’t show agitation. He shows love because he knows who he is. He’s secure in his identity. How much more willing I would be to humble myself and “get up” to show love under pressure if I would remember my identity as well - a purchased, redeemed, known, loved child. Jesus has obtained the victory for me already so I am free to rise above the stress and free to serve.

Oh that I would receive the message Jesus spent his life trying to show. When I remember who I am in Christ I am free to humble myself and “get up” to serve others. The full extent of God’s love is so great it makes me willing to do the unthinkable…wash stinky man feet!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ann's Jesus

Today I went to pick up the belongings of my best friends mother, Ann. For the past 15 years she had lived in a nursing home. She died two weeks ago. It is sobering to realize that a lifetime can be held in just a few boxes.

As I was leaving the home, two significant things occurred. The first was a nurse named Janice came running after me to express to me what a blessing Ann had been to everyone. “She was a light in the darkness. This is a Jewish home, you know. But, Ann was always ready to pray with anyone who would come to her room. Even though she was going through what she was going through, she managed to touch the lives of others. God placed her here for a season and she was just waiting to go home. She used to tell me that if I didn’t see her anymore, not to worry. I would be sure and meet her again. In another place.”

The maintenance man loaded the cart with her things and we walked down the empty hallway to my car. Ann’s collection of things amounted to a few boxes, a television, and some pictures that she had hung on the wall of her small room. As the man pulled the cart filled with a lifetime of memories into the parking lot, the pictures fell off the top and the second significant thing occurred. The framed picture of Jesus broke. Glass shattered everywhere and the only thing left of the picture was Jesus. I began to weep as I understood the significance of this. For Ann, the picture of Jesus had graced the wall of her room for years. He had held together for her the brokenness of her life and had made possible the hope she had brought into the lives of others. But, she is at home now and doesn’t need a reminder of Him. His words to her are the words that have been echoed down through the ages, “You are my beloved. On you my favor rests.” Ann is in His presence, because Jesus doesn’t break.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Only Two Simple Things

"And this is his command: to believe in the name of his son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another..." 1 John 3:23

In the end, it's all much simpler than we sometimes want to make it. Everything we think God expects us to be and do is simply overwhelming at times. But really, he only asks two simple things of us. He doesn't ask of us to focus on fulfilling the 10 commandments, nor especially the thousands of laws and regulations managed by the Old Testament legalists. He asks two simple things: believe in Jesus and love each other. I love the simplicity and freedom of that. It seems achievable. And I suspect that if we've mastered these two simple things, we will look back and realize we have achieved much more.

If we really believe that Jesus did all those things - healing people born with blindness and terrible physical infirmities, turning crumbs to loaves, raising people from the dead. If we really believe that he was raised from death and lives with God in eternity appealing to God on our behalf. If we believe that he has all the answers and is limited by nothing and knows what is in our best interest, then we'll live a lot differently. We'll admit to our failures and we'll surrender to his purposes for us. If we really believe in Jesus, we'll act like it he's still alive and I'm part of his purpose in this world.

Secondly, if we really believe and experience Jesus fully, we'll have such an overflow of joy and love that it will pour out on those around us. We'll seek the interest of others beyond our own. We'll find ourselves grieved for those who are experiencing loneliness, illness, hopelessness and poverty. We'll respond with gentleness and kindness to those who wrong us and we'll initiate kind words and actions towards everyone we come in contact with. We'll love people and experience the joy that comes with it.

So let's let it come down to these two simple things. Let's ask Jesus to help us believe in him more fully and love people more completely. Then we will have fulfilled his command.

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Greatest Gift is Love

A few years ago, I was grieving over the loss of a child that God had placed in our lives for a short time. In my grief, I found myself sitting in the garden at the Cenacle Retreat house. God gently comforted me with the sound of the birds singing and the wind blowing through the trees and then He spoke to my soul. There is a plaque in that garden that says, “The greatest gift is love.” As I numbly stared at the plaque, my heart listened, “Jana, you have given the greatest gift. That is all I have asked of you. It is my turn now.” You see, the child I am speaking of didn’t die. She simply had lived with us for 8 months and it was time for her to return to the refugee camps in the Sahara Desert where she lives.

Prior to her coming, I had been naively excited by the fact that I was going to get to convert someone. The Spirit prompted beautiful conversations with time and her understanding of the English language. She asked what she had to do in this life to be smart. She wondered how I listened to God. She learned who Jesus was. She left us though and I don’t know if she accepted Him. I may never know. And yet, I do know that she felt loved. When I was picking lice from her hair, she felt accepted. When she had surgeries and needed to be nursed, she felt cared for. When we had her hair straightened because it was important to her, she felt beautiful. When we told her she was our daughter, she felt loved.

The beautiful thing is that God keeps His promises. I know from other people who have seen our refugee daughter in the camps that He is continuing to move her heart towards Him. And, I learned from the experience that nothing I do in this life will ever be as important as loving someone. I only have to look at the example of Christ to know this but, I am a slow learner. Recently, God has graciously reminded me that as I do church on Sunday and as I am the church throughout the week, I am to give the greatest gift – Love.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Keep It Simple Stupid

When Bill Clinton was running for President, his campaign crew used a popular catch phrase when strategizing, “Keep It Simple, Stupid” or KISS for short. The phrase implied that their campaign should stay basic in message to reach the most number of people. You start complicating the vision or muddying your speeches with too many messages and you’re going to lose voters.

As I was reading over the two-year-old bible study lesson for next week it was the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. It is written in the most simple message and it was like water to my dry bones. I was swept away by the simple thought that “Jesus can do anything” (the Treehouse theme for February). How simply comforting, refreshing and empowering to know Jesus can do anything!

I see myself in that story. Jesus and the disciples are actually trying to get away in a boat and have some solitary time but people catch sight of them and chase after them like groupies around a rock star. It says in Mark 6:34, “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching…”

It was getting late in the day, the disciples mind was on food and what was this large crowd going to do when there were no concessions? They suggested dispersing the multitude but Jesus had another one of his crazy ideas. He suggested the disciples feed the 5,000 with five loaves and two fish. Jesus really had to be out of his mind with this one, right? He had the crowds divide up into smaller groups (hmmm… the first small groups?). Looking to heaven, Jesus gave thanks and broke the loaves. Verse 42 says, “they were all satisfied”.

I’ve heard this story my whole life. I’ve related to the disciples and the crowd but never have I related to the loaves and fish! That’s what I am in this story. I’m the measly loaf of bread offering myself to the multitudes of Memorial and surrounding area. Pour me out, Jesus. Break me. Use me to satisfy the appetites of people hungry for You. Draw the crowds to yourself like you did that day at the lake. Don’t send them away but have them sit in community and partake of your goodness and compassion.

The crowds couldn’t help but chase after Jesus. They saw what they had been searching for. They left their shopping, working, arguing, worrying, everything for the one thing they knew would satisfy. I think Jesus is thankful for our willingness to be broken for his sake, just like he gave thanks that day by the lake. That we get to be part of the nourishing process is unbelievable. Only Jesus could take a loaf and satisfy the masses. Simply stated, if he can use me, Jesus really can do anything!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Enough Grace on Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! I know most of you are leaving work early to celebrate. Don't you wish God would provide us a groundhog? We need something from him that allows us to see what lies in the future. We want to know what will happen next. It's just too scary to trust him for tomorrow. Funny thing is, regardless of how much we can reflect on the past and see his providence, we still can't seem to leave tomorrow in his hands.

John Piper refers to something called "Future Grace." It's the concept that we can see his unmerited favor to us in the past and trust that this unmerited favor will persist in the future. Faith in this "future grace" is what we all need when we are scared, lonely, depressed, or disappointed. Not unlike the Israelites making their journey from Egypt, we must not forget his past provision. This is the basis of our belief in his future grace.

Here's where future grace meets us this week at The FOM. There are lots of things we cannot control. We can't control the sound board crashing, we can't control who comes, we can't control video bulbs going out, etc. Mostly we can't control God's Spirit. His meeting us there this week is the basis for everything we want to see happen in the lives of people who come to FOM environments - transformed lives. But as we look back on the last two years, we can depend on his future grace. There is no question that he has opened doors and led every step of this journey. Not because we were unwavering in our obedience, but because his grace is enough to cover our lack of faith and lead us in the paths of righteousness.

This week will will open elevation with a song that is timely. "Great is your faithfulness oh God. You use the weak to lead the strong. You lead us in the paths of your salvation.... Your grace is enough for me." Let's celebrate his faithfulness this weekend. Let's celebrate his past and future grace. Let's release the spirit of performance and make this Sunday an offering to him - this is our spiritual act of worship.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Big Ups - Day 2

We each have been on this journey for different lengths of time. Some of us came on 18 days ago with the “Journey to Elevation” prayer blog. Others have come to Fellowship in the last few months. And then, there are the visionaries of Brandon and Lee Anna, Chris and Lisa who have been with this from inception. As Sunday approaches, we will look to the One who has been with us for eternity. It is time for some “big ups”. No more virtual paper. No more thoughts to meditate on. No more challenging of your spirit. This is it. This is what we were made for. We were created to bow before His throne. And, I am unable to do it alone. We are a body.

Today, hit “reply all” on the e-mail, place a comment on the blog, call a friend, sing in your car, or kneel in your closet. Do whatever it takes to show our amazing God that you are thankful, you are in awe, you are a witness, you are humbled, and you are blessed.
The smile on your face today is because of Him. The song in your heart is from Him. The life that you live is for Him. He is.

There is nothing like our God. The whole earth resonates with the beauty of His glory. He is like a star whose bright light will never wane. His love is perfect and pure. To stand before Him is to be filled with the greatest joy and the most perfect peace. All praise, all glory, all honor are His and His alone. He is our Father, our Savior, and the great lover of our souls. He is beautiful, so beautiful that words cannot express. We praise you. We thank you. You are our God and we are your people. We belong because of you. We exist for you. We love you. You are.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Say His Name - Day 3

God always teaches me something from listening to the hearts of others. Today, I’m having lunch with a precious friend who has taught me much about who God is. When we have prayed together, I have been so blessed by her prayers. She prays beautiful, heartfelt prayers to our Father but, what strikes me the most is how she calls upon the name of Jesus. As I am praying, she simply repeats the name of Jesus over and over again. “Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus…..” Her reiterating of our Savior’s name is like ointment on a wound or fresh water to a thirsty soul. Through her statement of adoration, it is as if the heavens are opened and we are transported to the throne of our Lord. It is a truly beautiful experience.

The Bible tells us there is power in the name of Jesus. Raging storms are stilled. Tormented souls are freed. Illnesses are cured. Broken hearts are cleansed. We are told that the angels who live in His constant presence repeat in unison, “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God almighty who was and is and is to come. Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God almighty who was and is and is to come.” (Rev. 4:8) Might we learn from the angels or even from my friend?

On Sunday, what would happen if we as a body of believers came together and repeated the name of Jesus? While we are singing or meeting a guest or setting something up or checking sound or hugging a child or participating in worship, say His name. Allow it to fill in the holes of your soul. Ask Him to invade the building, the room, your being, and the guests. He will be there. He always shows up when we call out his name, Jesus.

Because of this, God raised him up to the heights of heaven and gave him a name that is above every other name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Phil. 2:10 - this is our prayer today.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Beware of Bumper Stickers

(Written by Lisa Archinal) There is a custom in this country of slathering your life story and beliefs on the back of your car in the form of bumper stickers. This visual pollution, as I see it, makes for a fascinating sociological study. Why do people feel the need to reveal their children’s names and sports to the general public? Do I care that your child is on the honor roll? Is it necessary for me to know you support George W. or that you long for World Peace? Excuse me if I am not compelled to share my life story with strangers on the freeway. There is a silver double T logo and a Baylor trailer hitch on the back of my car. Neither was put there by me. I am a passionate person but choose to express my convictions in other ways than on the back of my motor vehicle.

Bumper stickers are not only a visual nuisance, they can also get you into trouble. See if you can relate to this scenario. My friend had a prescription to fill on her way home from work. She pulls up to the drive-thru pharmacy to see a car in each of the two drive up windows. She patiently waits centered between the two lanes for the first available window. About ten minutes later a few cars pull in and fall in line. The car immediately behind my friend shortly starts honking for her to move up. My friend moves up a bit thinking perhaps someone in the back of the line is trying to get off the street and into the lot. However, the driver continues to honk impatiently. My friend inches up just enough for the driver to suddenly squeeze by her into one of the window lanes. As fate would have it that lane moved up and the rude driver was waited on before my friend who’d been there some time.

My friend, not suffering from a case of shyness, rolled down her window to politely explain to the woman why she had been straddling the two lanes and that now she would have to wait even longer. The woman driving the car was as brash to my friend as her horn had been and quickly closed her window as if hanging up on a telemarketer during dinner. It was at this time my friend couldn’t help but notice not one, not two, but THREE Christian bumper stickers on the back of the brash lady’s car. One for her church, one promoting prayer and of course the famous fish. My friend thought of several very clever quips she would like to share with the woman, but feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit, unlike the car next to her, kept the thoughts to herself.

How many of us can relate to both characters in this story? One day we’re the righteous victim being treated so unfairly, the next day we’re the ones with the Christian labels telling the rest of the world what they can do with it!

Oh sure, we all believe Philippians 4:4-5, “Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” As well as, “Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.” Christians know to “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”. Let’s not leave out, John 3:36, which says, "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." Ouch!

Of course we say we believe these things and we do but it’s nearly impossible to live this all the time. It’s hard to always live what we believe. Here’s the other problem, aren’t we just walking bumper stickers? Aren’t us Christians, wearing His name? God took a chance leaving us here after we accepted Him as Lord. Why take the risk?

The bible says it’s because, of good ol’ Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. God prepared for us to do good works! That’s what we’re doing here, and Romans 1:6, “(For I am) confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” If you had been taken upon receiving Jesus, who would be here this Sunday to teach at the Treehouse or help in the parking lot or set up the stage for worship?

We’re all a work in progress. God planned to leave us here to be his ambassadors and to continually work on us. Our failures keep us on our knees in awe of his perfections. Our good works allow us to participate with him in the gospel. He’s got a good plan. We’re part of that plan in whatever stage of faith we may be.

My friend did the right thing that day, exercising her beliefs of being quick to listen (to the Spirit in this case) and slow to speak. Her sister in the Lord driving that car next to her didn’t exercise that day. I don’t know which role I’ll play later today when I get out in Houston traffic but I do know this, “I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.”

Drive on brothers and sisters in the strength of the Lord but please, don’t ask us to print any FOM bumper stickers any time soon!

Pray today that all our volunteers will be positive bumper stickers for His Name. Pray that his name and renown would be the desire of our hearts. Blessings to you!

Bless You - Day 5

“Do you bless people?” This was the question God asked me yesterday. It’s a simple question, really. So, why has the examination of it pained me so much? God knows how full my calendar is. He knows that I have two kids and a husband to take care of. He knows how many friends I have. He knows I am a part of starting a church. Still the irritating question, “Do you bless people?” He even managed to hit me with it in scripture. Genesis 47:7-10: Then Joseph brought his father, Jacob, and presented him to Pharaoh, and Jacob blessed Pharaoh. “How old are you?” Pharaoh asked him. Jacob replied, “I have lived for 130 hard years, but I am still not nearly as old as many of my ancestors.” Then Jacob blessed Pharaoh again before he left.

Jacob blessed Pharaoh not once but twice in the extremely short time of being in his presence. It was instinctive for Jacob to do this. This is why God has asked me this question. Instinct. Blessing people is not my first instinct. God needs to hit this home for me right now. Look at it from His perspective. If I am to be a part of God’s kingdom by starting this church, His desire is that my first instinct be that of blessing another.

How do we do this? In the book we all just read, The Challenge of the Disciplined Life, Richard Foster says by “[looking] into the eyes of that solitary individual. And perhaps, just perhaps, that look will keep us from betraying the Lord of glory. You see, service is not really charts and programs and elaborate strategies to serve humanity. No, it is looking into the fugitives eyes.”

We will serve by blessing people. It won’t be because we have slick ads or cool music or a new way of saying what is ancient to God. It will be because we will look them in the eye and bless them in the name of our mighty Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “Do you bless people?” God, please let it be so.

Ask God to show Fellowship how to richly bless people. Pray a prayer of blessing for Katie as she undergoes a procedure today.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bearing Down in the Fast - Day 6

Return to me with all your heart, With fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God. - Joel 1:12-13

There are times in our lives where we need to “bear down” on a particular spiritual issue. There are times when we need a special time of intense focus, undistracted and undeterred, for appealing to God and seeking his purposes. There are times when we need to repent of our self-sufficiency, and remind ourselves that “we do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” This is one of those times.

This Sunday at 11:00 a.m. we will launch Elevation, the worship experience of Fellowship of Memorial. We have been praying and planning for the worship setting for many months. This environment is intended to help people take the next step in allowing God to change their lives through relationship with Christ. Authentic worship can be a powerfully transformational tool, but we have no power in ourselves to change lives. Only God can fulfill this vision, so we desperately need him to intervene. If you are willing and able, we are asking you today to fast and pray.

In the Old Testament, fasting was the way people humbled themselves before God (Psalm 35:13; 69:10). In the New Testament, Jesus fasted for forty days after his baptism, and directed his disciples to fast and pray in seeking God’s help and provision (Matthew 6:2; 5:16). The prophets and teachers at the church in Antioch fasted and prayed often as they launched the early church (Acts 13:1-2). Fasting brings urgency to our praying. It also humbles us. Andrew Murray said, "Fasting helps to express, to deepen, and to confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice everything, [even] ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God."

I’m not sure what you should fast from today. According to Richard Foster, “Fasting is the voluntary denial of an otherwise normal function for the sake of intense spiritual activity.” Maybe the “normal function” for you is food. Maybe it’s television. Maybe it’s that Starbucks Grande Caramel Macchiato. Whatever it is, will you sacrifice it as a means of demonstrating to God your surrendered heart, and to seek him for the fulfillment of his purposes at the FOM?

Pray today that:

  • God's Spirit would draw many guests
  • God's presence would be evident in the service
  • Final planning for the service would go smoothly
  • Additional people will sign-up for preschool help
  • The weather would be cooperative
  • Those involved in the first service would have peace and confidence in God (Baileys, Chris, Brandon, Ivy/Santry, Asher, Ricardo)
  • The technical aspects would go smoothly
  • Children in worship would not be distracting
  • The Treehouse preschool environment will be safe and inviting
  • Staff and volunteers would be unified, loving and humble servants

Friday, January 20, 2006

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered - Day 9

Today Lisa and her family will bury her grandmother, Irene Smith. In your prayers for Lisa and Clois, praise God for the lasting legacy of Irene's life. She has left a mark and it blesses even us. Lisa wrote this weeks ago but, this is GST (God Standard Time) for today:

"Personal documents. Identification. Passports. These are all forms of evidence that tell the world who we are. We need these types of important papers. It’s important that we be able to identify ourselves to others. To prove we are who we say we are. To enter another country or reenter your own you must show your citizenship. My passport has expired and I can’t find my birth certificate so I logged onto the government website for help. I now get to fill out mounds of paperwork to get my birth certificate so I can then fill out mounds of paperwork to get a passport. Proof of citizenship doesn’t come lightly.

Why is it so important to have documentation of citizenship? Because it proves we have a right to be here and we have a right to the privileges of this country. As Christians we have documentation that we are who God says we are. We must keep this Holy Passport with us at all times to prove to the enemy we have a right to be here, receiving what God has for us. Many times we use the mentality of, “I’m trying to be who God says I am”. There is no power in this. When we have that mindset we are not using all the resources our homeland provides. We don’t have to try to be children of God. It’s who we are.

In an old Richard Gere movie, Red Corner, he plays a business man in China being framed for murder. In one scene he is running from the police to the American Embassy. If he makes it there he will be completely safe even though he’s in a foreign land. Once he’s inside that embassy it’s like he’s on American soil. He’ll be entitled to all the privileges of American citizenship. But he must make it inside and be able to prove he is an American citizen.

Christians are strangers to this earth but not without power. This is not our home but we are here for a purpose God has ordained. Thanks to the Holy Spirit we are walking embassies. People can run to us to learn how to become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. But we must remember we are who God says we are.

This has been a problem for many who’ve sought to follow God. The Lord told Moses to deliver the Israelites and Moses responded, “Who am I that I should go to Pharoah and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Later he also said, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.” Moses kept looking at who he was without God. We can relate to Moses. We all have things in our past (some not too distant past) that keep us from accepting our true citizenship status.

God, in his grace, knows our weakness. He said to his main man Joshua before entering the Promise Land, “be courageous” then God repeated himself and even added, “be very courageous”. Could it be that even the mighty Joshua was nervous about stepping into this new territory? God promised Moses and he promised Joshua and he promises us…”I will never leave you nor forsake you”.

So let’s remember our true citizenship. The devil will be standing at the border telling us we have no right to enter. We have no right to enter Joy, Peace, Unconditional Love and Forgiveness. He’ll try to say we have no right to start this ministry. But when we take this land it is not in our power nor for our glory but it is by the power of the King and for his glory. We are redeemed. We are children of the most High God. Oh yeah, and while citizenship in Him does require our acceptance, it doesn’t require filling out a bunch of paperwork."

Monday will be a day of fasting. Be in prayer as to what God would ask of you.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Oh, the Ignorance of Sheep - Day 10

Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of the fact that God cares about the details. You know, the minutia of life that is seemingly mundane and insignificant. Katy reminded me of it the other day when she was talking about how she had accidentally gotten on the HOV lane and she didn’t have any other passengers in her car. All of the construction on the freeway had inadvertently caused her to get in the wrong lane. She prayed that God would protect her from getting a $200 ticket. I thought, does God really have time to care?

This is how it happens. You see the news. The world is falling apart. People are being killed in places you’ve never heard of. Families are suffering with children who have leukemia. You are assaulted with an endless barrage of tragedy and heartache. God is very busy, or so you think, and you decide to help Him out. You just won’t bother Him about the details of your life. You have it under control anyway. You decide to only fill Him in when you’re problems are bigger or maybe even more worthy. Seriously, how can you possibly compete with everything else that God has to manage?

What do you think is the result of this type of thinking? Self sufficiency! Pride! Superiority! Could there be any better foothold for Satan to enter our lives than this? This is plain and simple, Sin! There is a reason we are compared to sheep in the Bible. My maiden name, Wooley, is a reminder of my close relationship with those picturesque but ignorant animals.

We are talking about the God who knows the number of hairs on our head. (Luke 12:7) The same God who meticulously formed us in our mother’s womb (Ps. 139:14). The very One who will be a voice behind us telling us to turn to the left or to the right. (Is. 30:21) This is our God! He cares about Katy getting a $200 ticket. He is all about the details.

So, today pray for the details. Pray for LeeAnna and the details of scheduling volunteers. Pray for Ivy and Andrea and the details of managing KidzPlanet. Pray for Lisa and the details of creating the Tree House. Pray for Brandon and Chris and the details of their secular jobs as well as the details of FOM. Our God cares about it all!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Blobbing - Day 11

Yesterday, Kimberly asked me how my “blobbing” was going (she meant to say blogging). There really is something called blobbing. Have you ever been blobbed? The blob is this huge inflatable contraption that sits in a body of water, usually at camp. You jump off a platform onto the surface of the blob, crawl to the end, and then wait for the next person to jump onto the blob. Their weight decides how high your body will fly off the blob before you land back on the blob or in the body of water below you. It’s tons of fun because it involves excitement, anticipation, and fear all in one exhilarating moment. My very own husband is renowned for having been the reason blobbing rules were changed at the camp he attended, just ask Scott Torn.

Do you ever feel like you are being blobbed by God? Let me better express to you the sensation. When you are blobbed by God, you are in a holding pattern of sorts that you know will eventually come to an end, but the waiting is killing you. You aren’t really sure of where you will land or whether the trip will be one you’re even ready to take. You don’t get much of a warning of what it will look like or what will be required of you. And, you are quite certain that you won’t be very graceful along the way and that’s the point. God is in charge of this blob. Your waiting will end. You will be scared to death. You will scream with joy and fear combined. You will be blobbed. And, you will want to do it again. Because what’s the alternative? To never have the adventure? To never know the freedom of the unknown? To never experience the exhilaration of watching God move in your life? To never realize what it would be like to trust the Almighty?

To blob, or not to blob: that is the question. And yes, ‘tis nobler for the soul to be blobbed. Our souls and God require it.

Pray today that God will blob us some people that we need: a video person, preschool volunteers, and small group leaders. Are you ready to blob? God is!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Do You Believe God? - Day 12

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. – Isaiah 40:28-31

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
– Isaiah 41:10

Behold I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43:19

I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze, and cut through their iron bars. And I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden wealth of secret places in order that you may know that it is I the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. – Isaiah 45:2-3

And the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. – Isaiah 58:11

“Oh the mighty, victorious strength of our God! The work is His because He is able. You have called us as witnesses to your kingdom. You alone will accomplish this work. You alone will be glorified. We praise you. We are in awe of you. We believe you.”

Make His promises of endurance and faith your prayer today for everyone at FOM.

Monday, January 16, 2006

To Ikea and Back - Day 13

If God wanted to stick me in hell, He would put me in Ikea for eternity. I hate Ikea. The idea of winding around in a maze and never being able to get out (or find anything) is something of a bad dream for me. Toby’s idea of hell is Katy Mills Mall on a rainy day. A football field-size mall of eternal shopping is certainly no man’s version of paradise. Everyone has some quirky version of this theme.

If hell is simply the absence of God, then there are plenty of ways that I am capable of creating hell for myself here on this earth. God doesn’t have to send me anywhere. I can get there all by myself. When my words and actions center on myself, this is hell. When I do not love my neighbor or myself, this is hell. When I compare the gifts God has given me with the gifts He has given someone else, this is hell. When I refuse to be thankful for even the smallest of blessings, this is hell. When I do not edify another, this is hell. The list is endless because the ways we are capable of separating ourselves from God are endless.

God wants us to be free. I know only one way to accept this freedom, Jesus Christ. When my words and actions center on His creation, this is Jesus. When I love everyone, this is Jesus. When I embrace and utilize my gifts, this is Jesus. When I am thankful for all I have been given, this is Jesus. When I speak words of encouragement to another, this is Jesus. He is our life. He is our truth. He is the Way to get us out of Ikea.

Today’s Prayer: Pray for everyone involved with Fellowship of Memorial. Pray that we would all allow Jesus to lead us.

Friday, January 13, 2006

"What's Love Got to Do With It?" - Day 16

I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about love. We all use the word in our everyday vocabulary. Our society is obsessed with love. Our world revolves around seeking to be loved. Singers like Tina Turner rhetorically ask, "What's Love Got to Do With It?" We all know love has everything to do with it. As believers, we have the amazing passage in 1 Corinthians 13 that expounds on all of the virtues of love.

Still, I wonder about what God's love looks like. I mean I know that God's love looks like salvation, John 3:16. I am intimate with that concept. There is a big part of me that strives to be worthy of that saving love. This is, of course, impossible but I still try.

It's the other part of love from God that I really struggle with though. The part of God simply loving me for no good reason. The blessing part of love. What does it look like for God to love me? I forget and I need Him to remind me. He's teaching me that one day it might look like a sunset hanging over the Katy Freeway. Or maybe, it looks like a hug from a deaf man at Randalls. Possibly it looks like a tree on the bayou that is disfigured and yet majestic.

Henri Nouwen in his book Life of the Beloved beautifully expresses it from God in this way: “I have called you by name, from the very beginning. You are mine and I am yours. You are my Beloved, on you my favor rests. I have molded you in the depths of the earth and knitted you together in your mother’s womb. I have carved you in the palms of my hands and hidden you in the shadow of my embrace. I look at you in infinite tenderness and care for you with a care more intimate than that of a mother for her child. I have counted every hair on your head and guided you at every step. Wherever you go, I go with you, and wherever you rest, I keep watch. I will give you food that will satisfy all your hunger and drink that will quench all your thirst. I will not hide my face from you. You know me as your own as I know you as my own. You belong to me. I am your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your lover, and your spouse…yes, even your child….wherever you are I will be. Nothing will ever separate us. We are one.”

Today's Prayer - Pray that we will embrace this beautiful, pure, and perfect blessing of God's love. Pray also for God to bring a preschool worker to Elevation that will be a blessing to our children.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Being "Skin" - Day 17

St. Thomas Aquinas once said, "To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them." If FOM is to be a place where lives are changed because of Christ, how will we as the "skin" of Christ guide the seeking? It starts with me, I know this. But doesn't God know that I am imperfect, broken and in need of Him. I am a sinner, a screw up. I have more questions than I have answers. How can I convert someone?

I can't, only God can. But, He can create in me a willing spirit so that I do see them. I do hear them. I do stand by them. I do love them. I do "take them by the hand and guide them." I am one of them.

"O, God, give to me a spirit of transparency and willingness. Allow me to have a part in guiding. Give me humility of speech and action so that I am not seen but you are felt. 'Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.' Ps. 51:10 Prepare us for the fruition of your work in the heart of men. Take us by the hand and guide us."

Today's Prayer: Pray that those who do not know and have not seen the power of the living God will come to Elevation.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Starving for God - Day 18

"And He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord." Deut. 8:3

Forgive me, Father. I have not lived with your daily manna. I have not been fed by the words from your mouth. I do and do and do, all in my own power. But, I do not put you first in my life. I do not take what you have given me, the Bread of Life. "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance." Is. 55:2 Create in me a hunger for you. Humble me and let me be hungry until I seek your abundance.

Today ask for God to release His Spirit among us in a powerful way. May we be starving for Him.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dr. God, Deliver Us - Day 19

Lisa wrote this a couple of weeks ago. It speaks to our vulnerability and the reality that this is where God wants us. This is why He will use us!

"The thought of a new year is a bit overwhelming…all the work, tasks, goals, exercise, errands, etc. Starting a church has been the most daunting task since at eight months pregnant I realized this baby had to come out eventually! I’ve been called to birth a church. Not much different from birthing a child. The dream of it is wonderful, euphoric even. Then once it’s conceived you get nauseous thinking of all that has to be done. Then you get into a groove and it seems to be moving right along. Then once again you find yourself overwhelmed but it’s too late now. You’re forty pounds of commitment heavier than you were six months ago and there’s no where to go but the delivery room.

This can be completely paralyzing. What happens to us? We begin to focus on the limits rather than the infinite possibilities. We stop at the reality of our inability to be the perfect parent instead of following that thought to the logical conclusion that where our abilities stop (early on) God’s abilities pick up.

We do so well for a while. We’re praying, seeking, listening, working. Then we slowly, so gradually begin to focus more on the working. We stop looking heavenward for a moment and realize what we’re doing is impossible. This is when we find ourselves in quicksand. What do we do? Why, we wrap our arms around ourselves and focus on the quicksand of course! “My this quicksand is terrible. It’s so ugly. Look at this quicksand. I’m really stuck in it now. I hate quicksand. It’s grainy and gooey. Look it’s up to my waist! Oh this is not good at all. I’ll call my friends and tell them about this terrible quicksand. Quicksand is dangerous. It’s such a bother.”

We are so focused on the problem we don’t see the Tree of Life right next to us. There’s the life saving branch right there! Grab hold! Stop focusing on the problem and focus on the solution. The solution is not more time, it’s not better ideas, it’s not more money, it’s not more staff. The solution is the Truth. God is saying, “I gave you two arms. Use them and grab hold of me!” When you were dead in your transgressions I used my two arms and rescued you, now child of mine, grab hold of me!” God never let go of us but we can find ourselves letting go of him. We too quickly and easily loose our grip on the Truth of who we are, who HE is and what he is able to do.

We need strength and a lot of it to birth a church. But where do we find our strength? In the Joy of the Lord. Enjoying his presence. Bathing in his word. Using those two arms he gave us to pick up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.

Let us therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have {its} perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.

So I guess I don’t need to be overwhelmed at the thought of a new year and a new church. God is my ob/gyn! He’s giving me the care I need. He’s monitoring this baby’s growth. He’ll be there when it’s time to deliver what he promised."

Today's Prayer: Pray today for the planning of Elevation. Pray for Chris and for the words that God will have him to speak. Pray for Matthew and Lizi and the songs that God will have them to sing. Pray that the delivery will go as ordained by Him.