Thursday, January 19, 2006

Oh, the Ignorance of Sheep - Day 10

Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of the fact that God cares about the details. You know, the minutia of life that is seemingly mundane and insignificant. Katy reminded me of it the other day when she was talking about how she had accidentally gotten on the HOV lane and she didn’t have any other passengers in her car. All of the construction on the freeway had inadvertently caused her to get in the wrong lane. She prayed that God would protect her from getting a $200 ticket. I thought, does God really have time to care?

This is how it happens. You see the news. The world is falling apart. People are being killed in places you’ve never heard of. Families are suffering with children who have leukemia. You are assaulted with an endless barrage of tragedy and heartache. God is very busy, or so you think, and you decide to help Him out. You just won’t bother Him about the details of your life. You have it under control anyway. You decide to only fill Him in when you’re problems are bigger or maybe even more worthy. Seriously, how can you possibly compete with everything else that God has to manage?

What do you think is the result of this type of thinking? Self sufficiency! Pride! Superiority! Could there be any better foothold for Satan to enter our lives than this? This is plain and simple, Sin! There is a reason we are compared to sheep in the Bible. My maiden name, Wooley, is a reminder of my close relationship with those picturesque but ignorant animals.

We are talking about the God who knows the number of hairs on our head. (Luke 12:7) The same God who meticulously formed us in our mother’s womb (Ps. 139:14). The very One who will be a voice behind us telling us to turn to the left or to the right. (Is. 30:21) This is our God! He cares about Katy getting a $200 ticket. He is all about the details.

So, today pray for the details. Pray for LeeAnna and the details of scheduling volunteers. Pray for Ivy and Andrea and the details of managing KidzPlanet. Pray for Lisa and the details of creating the Tree House. Pray for Brandon and Chris and the details of their secular jobs as well as the details of FOM. Our God cares about it all!

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