Thursday, January 12, 2006

Being "Skin" - Day 17

St. Thomas Aquinas once said, "To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them." If FOM is to be a place where lives are changed because of Christ, how will we as the "skin" of Christ guide the seeking? It starts with me, I know this. But doesn't God know that I am imperfect, broken and in need of Him. I am a sinner, a screw up. I have more questions than I have answers. How can I convert someone?

I can't, only God can. But, He can create in me a willing spirit so that I do see them. I do hear them. I do stand by them. I do love them. I do "take them by the hand and guide them." I am one of them.

"O, God, give to me a spirit of transparency and willingness. Allow me to have a part in guiding. Give me humility of speech and action so that I am not seen but you are felt. 'Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.' Ps. 51:10 Prepare us for the fruition of your work in the heart of men. Take us by the hand and guide us."

Today's Prayer: Pray that those who do not know and have not seen the power of the living God will come to Elevation.

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