Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jesus' Compassion

Jesus is called Emmanuel which means "God-with-us" (see Matthew 1: 22-23). The great paradox of Jesus' life is that he, whose words and actions are in no way influenced by human blame or praise but are completely dependent on God's will, is more "with" us than any other human being.

Jesus' compassion, his deep feeling-with us, is possible because his life is guided not by human respect but only by the love of his heavenly Father. Indeed, Jesus is free to love us because he is not dependent on our love.

These reflections are taken from Henri J.M. Nouwen's Bread for the Journey.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Your Horses Cannot Save You

Isaiah 31 – Doom to those who go off to Egypt, thinking that horses can help them.
Within a single year, God has reminded us that our little god is of no help.

In the late summer, we experienced a devastating hurricane and weeks without electricity. There was no amount of affluence that would have restored your electricity sooner or caused roofers and contractors to fix your house quickly. In early May, about 1/3 of the homes in my neighborhood flooded as ten inches of rain fell within 1.5 hours. Some people did not have flood insurance and are only left with the option of selling their home for the value of the land. Your money god is not strong enough to save you from natural disaster.

In November, we began to realize the symptoms of a deep economic recession, with home values dropping across the country by as much as 50%, banks and credit seizing, the stock market decline of more than 30% and the highest unemployment rate in decades. No amount of affluence could keep the creditors at bay, your home from losing value, your 401K from devastating declines or your company from cutting payroll. Your money god is not strong enough to save you from economic collapse.

In the spring, world health officials began to give warnings about a global pandemic. A new highly contagious strain of flu had the potential to cause death and there was no immediate vaccine. Schools in poor and affluent neighborhoods alike began to close their doors as students were found to be infected by the virus. Your money god is not strong enough to save you from sickness and disease.

How long will we continue to serve this little god? It cannot save us from natural disasters, economic collapse, disease, and loneliness.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Mexico is not a volunteer.  But that's where I am.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Jim Kelley

This is Jim Kelley. Jim Kelley is an all around renaissance man here at the FOM. Jim is known for his wide range of knowledge in bible and biology. He is also the rhythm behind all of the FOM worship time.

Jim can tell you a lot about lots of things. Give him just a few minutes and you will know more than you ever thought you could about one particular subject. He is a smart man. Jim is authentic in faith in a way few have seen. He accepts the challenge to wrestle with the angel, and God meets him there each time. He engages God in relationship, plain and simple.

Jim is a volunteer. Like others he leads because he loves God and people. He fills holes where he is skilled. He is an asset as a hands on builder, a drummer, a set up guru, and he does it all selflessly. He never complains, countless times have I wished for a loving and grateful heart like Jim's. Jim Kelley. Friend. Role Model. Authentic. Humble. Loyal. These are words that describe Jim Kelley. Thank you, Jim.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Asher Castillo

This is Asher Castillo. Asher cares about church. A lot. I have had countless discussions with Asher about the church and about the FOM. He shares his frustrations as well as his happiness with our little church. Asher loves coffee, and Jesus, and good looking women. Three admirable qualities that any single girl would like. Wait, I'm going off topic.

Asher has been designing graphics for the FOM for no charge, for a long, long time. He hits the cultural target for branding design for bands, churches and video production graphics. There are people who are half as talented as Asher and have gotten paychecks for what they do. Asher volunteers.

Here's to my friend Asher. An artist who has come through in the clutch for churches, past, present and future. An unselfish guy who loves Jesus and asks the community around him to only do the same. Asher, thank you for all you are doing and what you have done for the FOM. I see Jesus in you.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

What I learned from Tom

I had a miserable time working at HFBC. However, I love the man in the photo above. His name is Tom Mosley. Tom was worship pastor at the church. He was an inspiration as a leader and as a mentor. One thing he taught me, that gratitude is a discipline. He taught me to love and appreciate the volunteers I was in charge of. Volunteering is satisfying, but not always enjoyable. Churches look favorably on those who donate cash more than those who donate time. Time has been and always will be money, but you can't write it off, so the church has consistently overlooked the importance of volunteerism, then vounteers get burned out and then the church finds itself in its most comfortable poistion, up a creek. This week I will highlight 1 voluteer from the fom each day. I will lend my voice to appreciate those who devote obvious time to our little church.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Friends and Their Limitations

We need friends. Friends guide us, care for us, confront us in love, console us in times of pain. Although we speak of "making friends," friends cannot be made. Friends are free gifts from God. But God gives us the friends we need when we need them if we fully trust in God's love.

Friends cannot replace God. They have limitations and weaknesses like we have. Their love is never faultless, never complete. But in their limitations they can be signposts on our journey towards the unlimited and unconditional love of God. Let's enjoy the friends whom God has sent on our way.

These reflections are taken from Henri J.M. Nouwen's Bread for the Journey.